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Discover how to make a bigger impact in your nutrition client sessions!

In this self-paced program, learn how to improve your counseling & coaching skills so you can better support your clients reach their goals!

Are you a dedicated dietitian or nutrition professional seeking to take your

nutrition counseling and coaching skill to new heights?

Are you feeling "stuck" in your nutrition counseling

or coaching sessions?

Does this sound familiar?

You care deeply about your clients and don't know what else you can do.

You've read the books and taken the self-paced counseling courses.

But you're still having trouble connecting with your clients, you feel defeated when they aren't making progress, and you take it on yourself to work harder to motivate your clients, possibly doubling down on nutrition education to get your point across.

Yet, this hasn't been working and you know it.

You so desperately want to help that you provide your clients with all the solutions & you feel the need to show your expertise at every session.

But, you know this doesn't lead to lasting client retention.

This is exhausting & ineffective.

I'm here to tell you that none of this is your fault.

You were trained on how to provide excellent nutrition education, but counseling skills were not a big part of your training. But what you do about your current skills moving forward is entirely up to you!

If any of this sounds familiar, I've got you covered.

The missing piece you've been searching for to create more effective sessions that lead to lasting behavior change is your nutrition counseling and coaching skills.

You're in the right place, as I have built the Elevated Nutrition Counseling Certificate Program with you in mind.

By the end of the Elevated Nutrition Counseling program, you will:

No longer feel “stuck” when working with clients as you will know how to explore their reasons for change and map out a path towards lasting behavior change.

Learn to implement Motivational Interviewing skills more naturally and more effectively to get your clients talking and thinking about behavior change.

Learn how to effectively dig deeper to find out your client’s big “WHY” to find meaningful reasons and desires to change their behaviors.

Identify your client’s current stage of change and apply an appropriate intervention based on their stage of change;

Structure your nutrition counseling/coaching sessions for maximum efficiency while following a plan to provide nutrition education and support.

Achieve higher success rates of behavior change with improved client retention for optimal impact on their lives.

PLUS- You are GUARANTEED to get the insight you need to know how to improve your Nutrition Counseling & Motivational Interviewing skills, as we will be using the latest AI technology to assess your sessions and guide your practice (we are the only ones offering this to dietitians!)

The Elevated Nutrition Counseling

Self-Paced Program includes:

1. Comprehensive Course Library that will provide you with all the over 6 hours of modules to sky-rocket your client-centered counseling and coaching knowledge.

Lifetime Access to course library!

2. Accompanying workbook to practice and apply the content! This workbook contains client engagement exercises, action-based practice tips, and comprehensive list of strategies, scripts, and handouts to elevate your counseling skills! (you get this mailed to you if in the US/Canada)

3. This program has been approved by the CDR for 19.25 CEUs.

4. Last, but not least, you will also get one 1:1 supervision call with me!

5.Optional upgrade: Two session analyses and summary provided to guide your practice using the latest technology that incorporates artificial intelligence using gold-standard evaluation tools to assess and improve the quality of your client-centered evidence-based counseling practices (each session purchased individually costs $99, you get two for that price when purchased as part of the self-paced program upgrade).

Certificate Hybrid Coaching Program not open for enrollment at this time.

Payment Plans Available!

>> 2-month payment program for the self-paced.

Check out these Client Testimonial below!

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