Free Webinar

Why Clients Stop Coming Back:

Top Mistakes You Might Be Making

(and How to Fix Them)

Join us to discover the proven strategies to instantly boost client retention by avoiding the most common counseling mistakes dietitians make in their sessions.

Live Wednesday, October 2nd at 2pm EST

Are Your Counseling Sessions Driving Clients Away Without

You Even Realizing It?

You’ve spent years mastering nutrition, but when it comes to client retention, something isn’t working. Despite your knowledge, your clients aren’t sticking around for long-term change—and it’s costing you time, money, and fulfillment in your practice.

The truth is, being a great dietitian isn’t just about providing nutrition education. It's about how you communicate with your clients during every session.

Many dietitians unknowingly make crucial mistakes in their counseling style that leave clients feeling overwhelmed, unheard, or unmotivated.

In this FREE Masterclass, you'll uncover the 


you might be making that are costing you clients.

Does this sound familiar?

You offer expert advice, but clients still don’t follow through.Clients seem engaged during sessions, but never return for follow-ups.

You feel like you’re doing everything right, yet clients continue to drop off, leaving you frustrated and unsure of what went wrong.

In this FREE 60-minute masterclass, I’ll reveal the top mistakes dietitians make during counseling sessions that cost them clients—and more importantly, I’ll show you exactly how to fix them. You’ll learn practical strategies to strengthen your client relationships, motivate lasting change, and boost your client retention rates.

Don’t Let These Simple Mistakes Cost You Another Client!

Meet Joyce Faraj-Ardura, PhD, MS, RDN, LDN

Founder & CEO of the

Nutrition Counseling Academy

Meet Joyce - Registered Dietitian, CEO, Founder of the Nutrition Counseling Academy, and former tenure-track (now adjunct) professor of nutrition and dietetics.

In 2021, Joyce was looking for better, more inclusive, and practical resources for her students. Unable to find the resources she wanted, she started finding creative ways to support not only her students, but also fellow RDs so they could feel more confident in the work they do. This is how the Nutrition Counseling Academy was born.

Now Joyce empowers other RDs with the knowledge, strategies, and skills to better support their clients and gain the confidence they deserve. You're in the trusted hands of a colleague who wants nothing but for you to succeed!  

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